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Eden Systems, Inc.

InForum from Eden systems is a suite of information managementapplications designed exclusively for cities, counties and specialdistricts. It incorporates thoroughly tested, proven technologies- yettakes advantage of today's most advanced development systems and methods.All technologies used in InForum are from well-established, leading edgecompanies, thereby reducing your investment risk. InForum's suite ofproducts include:InForum Licensing Manager for State/Local Governments- This suite provides a billing function, tracking all business andpersonal property licenses. It links all licenses to addresses and namesas well as history in the Parcel Manager.InForum Citizen Request for State/Local Government- This suite provides online entry of service requests and complaints,creates citizen mailing lists from public meetings, creates citizenrequest queues for the Work Order Manager and the Inspection Manager.InForum for Inventory Manager for State/Local Government- This suite maintains and tracks all public works materials andsupplies, tracks non-parcel items such as infrastructure, real property,trees and other items.InForum Work Order Manager for State/Local Government- This suite maintains preventative maintenance schedules for repairorders, generates work orders from infrastructure maintenance, maintainsinformation related to buildings, utilities and property.InForum Permit Manager for State/Local Government- This suite is designed to control, report on reviews, inspections,approvals for construction and land/property usage. It tracks andschedules permitting processes, calculates fees as well as integrateswith the InForum Financial products.InForum Inspection Manager for State/Local Government- This suite creates, maintains and monitors inspection schedules. Theserecords then link with InForum Permit Manager and InForum LicensingManager.InForum Parcel Manager for State/Local Government- This suite accommodates wide variations in parcel number structure,allows easy access to rights-of-way, remainders and other non-standardparcel information. Parcels can be identified by combinations ofattributes for quick, easy queries.InForum Position Control for State/Local Government- This suite provides for position control, position appointments andposition budgeting via integration with InForum Payroll and Budgetingmodules. It also maintains employee history for both position and salary.InForum Payroll for State/Local Government- This suite is exception based, providing distributed input of time fromlimitless locations. It provides for processing multiple sub-agenciesoperating under different payroll policies/parameters. It handles FLSA,COBRA, EIC, 401K, Section 125, W-2 magnetic reporting, direct deposit,void and retroactive pay processing and 'what-if' projections for allsalary groups via integration with InForum Budgeting.InForum Purchasing for State/Local Government- This suite includes full support for online requisition entry, multiplerequisition approval levels, integration with E-mail forrequestor/approver notification, combining multiple requisitions on a POand automatic generation of request for quotations.InForum Accounts Receivable for State/Local Government- This suite includes seamless GL generation, user-defined accountnumbers, cash or accrual basis accounting, balance forward or invoice-based accounts, multilevel tax codes/rates, installment billing withamortization, user defined billing cycles, billing categories and invoiceformatting.InForum Accounts Payable for State/Local Government- This suite features user-defined vendor attributes, terms, tax rates,ageing, vendor profiles and catalogs, discounting, commodity coding, taxand freight distribution, recurring POs and invoices and formstemplating.InForum Budgeting for State/Local Government- This suite features user-defined functionality including processstages, field names, distribution methods, departmental /divisionalsecurity, import/export to popular spreadsheets and off-the-shelfsoftware. It allows for multiple budget iterations, budget analysis,viewing and updating privileges, provides flexible docuemnt design andreporting as well as maintains budget preparation history.InForum General Ledger for State/Local Government- This suite features user-defined functionality including account numberstructure, account number 'short cuts', account level security, openingand closing periods/structures. It provides multiple open ficscal yearsand periods, different fiscal years for different funds, full account andtransaction history, recurring journal entries, automatic end of periodreversals, budget overrun checking and auto-generation of opening andclosing entries.Ease-of-Use features include:- Query-by-Example (QBE)- Context-sensitive online help for programs, screens and data fields- Navigation features for quick task-switching- Freeform notes for annotating data- Personal to-do lists- Report destinations including screen, printer, file, e-mail or fax- Scheduled off-hours report generation- User-defined fields for collecting supplemental dataInForum and the underlying Informix OnLine database have anticipated yourneed for future technologies. For instance, OnLine supports binary-largeobjects (BLOBs) as part of a database record. These could contain images,audio or other multimedia information, allowing you to incorporatedocument imaging in your system.The ultimate test of an information system- like any good investment- isthe return it pays five or ten years down the line. With the advancedtechnology and flexibility built in to InForum, it's the best long-terminvestment you can make.

Language: Informix,4GL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Informix OnLine, Fourgen UCR's, ArcView
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

Eden Systems, Inc.
5015 Tieton Dr Ste A
Yakima, WA 98908
Phone: (509) 966-6680
        (800) 343-3827
Fax: (509) 966-4427